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Candid Private Time

Do you completely expose yourself to your loved one or do you really share everything with your loved one? How candid are you with each other and does that also apply to very sensitive subjects? Be surprised by the most diverse questions and assignments that open up a lot of discussion in a playful way.

This box contains more than 100 questions and assignments for sharing sensitive matters, intimate moments, soul desires and thoughts of the future.

You take turns drawing a card with a question or assignment such as:
• What are you complementary to each other?
• Close your eyes and describe as accurately as possible some typical spots on your partner's body by which you will always recognize him or her.
• Do you ever have a perverse thought that you'd rather push far away? Do you dare to share it?
• If you could direct your own funeral, what would it look like?

These and many other questions and assignments will provide revealing answers, intimate moments, serious reflections, sexy discoveries and, above all, lots of fun together!

This challenging game is intended for couples and can be played anywhere. Play Candid Private Time together with attention for each other!